We all want great health, though many of us don’t know how to achieve it. Dr. Barbara Jennings believes your body can guide the way.

A life-threatening illness brought Dr. Jennings to a physician in 1998. She was told she had an incurable auto-immune disease, and her only hope was either surgery to remove half her thyroid, followed by a lifetime of medication, or radioactive iodine to kill her thyroid, followed by a lifetime of medication.

Discouraged and frustrated, it was at that point this classically-trained pianist and mother of two felt that a better option had to exist. When I heard my options from the endocrinologist, I felt that there must be something better out there something that would not just substitute for a cure, but return my body to true health, she recalls.

Through a series of inspired events, Dr. Jennings found a chiropractor who treated her with applied kinesiology muscle testing to determine her body’s specific needs, and who used a variety of tools such as diet, chiropractic adjustments and homeopathy as a catalyst for healing.

After five months of this holistic treatment, Dr. Jennings had not only recovered her health, she had never felt better. She knew she had found her path. Before her illness, she had never thought of being a doctor/chiropractor. Now she felt this was exactly what she was truly meant to do with her life, aside from being a wife and mother.

As a healthcare provider, Dr. Jennings offers the ultimate in personalized treatment. She believes people get sick or hurt for different reasons, and therefore people require techniques as individual as they are to recover.

Her treatment honors you, your history and your individual needs. Dr. Jennings offers:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments
  • Weight Loss Programs and Support
  • Cellular Detoxification
  • Clinical Nutrition Testing and Coaching
  • Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing
  • Acupuncture & Acupressure
  • Complete and total focus on you

In her spare time, the perpetually curious Dr. Jennings enjoys many activities with her busy family of 6 teenagers and one baby, playing Beethoven, Bach and Chopin on the piano, traveling, learning, and Nia.

She is a Nia Technique Fitness and Lifestyle Instructor at Raintree Athletic Club and the Fort Collins Club. Nia is a mind/body fitness practice that incorporates elements of dance, martial arts and yoga. Dr. Jennings is a certified Nia 5 Stages of Healing teacher and offers classes and workshops.

To learn more about Nia, visit www.nianow.com.

This desire took her to the esteemed Northwestern Health Sciences University where she enrolled in the Doctor of Chiropractic program in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This desire again motivated her to seek hundreds of hours of additional training in Applied Kinesiology, cellular detoxification, acupuncture, clinical nutrition, and homeopathy.

By recognizing the body has innate wisdom, and using techniques that access that wisdom, and the appropriate cutting edge clinical testing, Dr. Jennings has helped people overcome more than just painful tweaks and chronic pain, but also fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), diabetes and metabolic syndrome, allergies, thyroid disorders, infections, depression, various digestive issues, insomnia, weight problems, gout, and more.

Let me help you discover what I have found: the way to a healthier, happier, more rewarding life. I will listen to you, work with you to identify you needs and desires, and then work with you to find natural, nutrition-based ways to empower your body to heal and change. Contact me to discuss your specific health challenge.